No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline

The Self Help and Personal Development industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Some critics of the industry will say that it is racket of pop psychology that basically preys on people’s weaknesses and insecurities and tells them things they already know.  While the industry has its share of charlatans and opportunist; it would not be a multi-billion dollar industry if there was absolutely no substantive and tangible benefit to some of what it produces.

Many industries come and go, but the self-improvement industry appears to be recession proof in as much that when times are good people like to indulge themselves and enhance themselves.  When times are bad; people often feel the need to empower themselves by at least controlling and building upon those things, qualities they already possess.

While it is true that 90%  of what is out their in the way of books and tapes and other self-development products is redundant and recycled; that shouldn’t obscure the fact that the core foundation of information in this industry is valuable.  Additionally  it has been proven that repetition is the mother of habit formation.  To read or hear a piece of good advice one time is valuable; but to hear it over and over again, raises the likelihood that you may act on it.   If you act on it in a consistent manner for a long enough period of time; you will have developed a new habit.

Success and failure are habits. Success is the result of  developing and practicing good habits. Failure is the result of developing and practicing bad habits.  People have far more power over their lives then they are willing to admit, and often find it easier with the full encouragement of our mass media to feel they are powerless. They have bought into the notion that  there are external forces that circumscribe their lives, and that they have no power over their lives.

This brings us to Power of Self Discipline. New York Times Bests-Selling Author Brian Tracy in his book “No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline” lays out some very basic steps that people can follow right now and begin to see major improvements in their lives.

  • Use the 3 Percent Formula to invest in yourself. Put aside 3 percent of your income to improve your knowledge and skills.
  • Use the Forty Plus Formula. Work longer than your forty-hour day. Do more than you are paid for.
  • Utilize the only antidote for anger or worry – action.
  • Harness the power of  “mindstorming.” Ask yourself a question and then generate twenty different answers.
  • Keep raising the bar. Ask more of yourself each year.
  • Practice the discipline of listening.

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The great motivational speaker and self-development expert Les Brown often remarks in his powerful presentations that God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk.  Les Brown also encourages us to do something that salesman have known for years; that when you write something down; you dramatically improve the odds that you will do it then if you just say your going to do it. Les Brown says right your goals down and read them every day and before you know it you will begin to move in the direction of you goals almost subconsciously.

This is why anytime you go into a show room to look at a car, or into any environment where you have to deal with sales people; there is always paper work for your to fill out even if you haven’t decided that you are going to make a purchase. Sales people have been trained that once they get a potential customer to fill out paper work of any kind; they have a much better likelihood of making a sale because once something is written, it leaves an emotional imprint that makes the person feel they have a vested interest.

This is not Pop Psychology ladies and gentlemen this is the science of sales and a key secret to success.

Write your goals down! Read them when you wake up!  Read them before you go to bed! It works!

Submitted by Christopher A. Clarke on 11/3/14. 

Christopher A. Clarke is managing editor of Black2020.Com and can be reached through the sites contact page.



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