Scholar as Warrior: Cheikh Anta Diop and the African Origins of Civilization
While it is fashionable to see great public leaders such as W.E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Adam Clayton Powell and others as having been on the front lines engaged in war for the liberation of a people; we should give pause to truly understand the many levels of “engagement” that are involved when the aim is to uplift and empower an oppressed people.
What happens on the battlefield is really the final expression of all the mechanization, ideas, strategies, weaponry and munitions that have been developed for the purpose of combat. The actual combat is the final scene in a long story of wartime preparation.
All of the above mentioned fought the good fight courageously on the battlefield of ideas whether that was in the court room; the congress; the streets; the mosque, church or civil rights organization.
However with great irony I must add; the battle to restore a people to their rightful place on the stage of world history has often been overlooked. In wartime preparation each combatant most gather and take inventory of their weaponry, artillery and ammunition. In the case of an oppressed people struggling for justice and equality; the weapons most often used have been ideas.
The quality of ones Ideas are generated from ones access or lack of access to available information from which to construct ideas. The greater and deeper the reservoir of information, the more potent and powerful the idea.
This brings us to the point that the role of scholars in waging war with facts in the world of academia have been under appreciated at best or completely forgotten at worse. Men like Joel A. Rogers, Arturo Shomburg and Hubert Harrison were pioneers in fighting the good fight over the idea that Africans had a proud and illustrious history; and that they were makers of history and not footnotes.
Later generations of scholars would pick up the mantle of reclaiming the glorious history of African people much of which had taken place before any European set foot on the stage of world history. These individuals through painstaking study and research and analysis created the ammunition to be used on the battlefield of ideas.
Cheikh Anta Diop the late Senegalese scholar, physicists, anthropologist and Egyptologist would prove that the ancient Egyptians were an African people. He would prove that much of the Ancient Egyptian language has survived and spoken by many West African ethnic groups today such as the Mandingos.
Cheikh Anta Diop would use has background as chemist and physicist to create a method for testing the level of melanin in the skin of ancient Egyptian mummies such as the Pharaoh Ramesses who he proved without a doubt was an African.
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However; archeology and anthropology have shown over the last several decades that the Greeks were given credit that they did not deserve. In fact the ancient Greeks themselves say they got their civilization from the blacks; the Egyptians.
This is vitally important because the idea that Western civilization was built on the arts and sciences of an ancient black civilization ‘Egypt’ destroys the idea of ‘White Supremacy’ at its root.
Cheikh Anta Diop fashioned and substantiated an idea that as a military weapon on the battlefield of ideas is nothing less than Nuclear Bomb. When properly deployed; it completely obliterates false ideas around ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Black Inferiority.’
Submitted by Christopher A. Clarke on 10/16/14.
Christopher A. Clarke is managing editor of Black2020.Com and can be reached through the sites contact page.
Those engaged in battle need to arm themselves with the work of this man!
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