October 2014

The Power of the Squat: Part 1

(Please contact your Doctor before beginning any fitness routine). When it comes to lifting weights regardless of your fitness goals; there is one exercise that you must do in order to get the most out of your [...]

Mass Incarceration and the Death of Boxing

While the sport of boxing continues to decline in popularity throughout the United States as can be expected there are numerous theories being floated as to why this is happening.  Some will say it is because [...]

The Decline of the Black Baseball Player

The decline in the number of Black Americans playing professional baseball in the Major League has been dramatic. What was once the most popular sport among African-Americans has now become a sport where very [...]

Death of a King: Book Review *****

In Tavis Smiley and David Ritz recently released book ‘Death of a King: The Real Story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Final Year” , they do a masterful job in engaging the reader – as if they are [...]

Before Jordan – After Jordan: BJ – AJ

Once upon a time a baby was born to homeless parents in a stable.  The mother was a young girl whom many believe was impregnated by an immaculate conception.  The man; a carpenter by trade that would come to [...]

The Price of the Ticket: Black Politics 2014

There is the old saying in politics that “there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies; only permanent interest.” Black Americans have often learned this lesson the hard way, and in many ways [...]

What Killed Dr. Martin Luther King?

“Like any man I would like to live a long life; longevity has its place. But I’m really not concerned about that now because I just want to do Gods will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And [...]